Living #129 | Many Co-Authors
Paper #129

Gino, F; Gu, J; Zhong, CB (2009) 'Contagion Or Restitution? When Bad Apples Can Motivate Ethical Behavior' , Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology  

This page contains a summary table for data provenance for all studies in this paper. In addition, authors can share with readers information on why they decided to retract or not retract, plans and/or results for replication efforts, reflections on the process, or anything at all they feel is relevant. They may revise the information provided as often as desired, and each author is free to present a message of their own, though authors are encouraged to speak in one voice.

Aggregate responses

Gino involved in data collection?
Co-authors have/had raw data?
Data for reproducing results available?
Experiment 1 Yes (1)
No (1)
No (1)
Experiment 2 Yes (1)
No (1)
No (1)
Experiment 3 Yes (1)
No (1)
No (1)

Individual Responses

Jun Gu
This author has provided information for this paper but has not yet made it public

Chen-Bo Zhong
Gino involved in data collection? Co-authors have/had raw data? Data for reproducing results available?
Experiment 1YesNeverNo
Experiment 2YesNeverNo
Experiment 3YesNeverNo

Below is a message written by author(s) of this paper. Keep in mind it may be modified at any time.
Written by: Chen-Bo Zhong
Last update: 2023-11-02

As I remember it, the second author (Gu) and I were provided with fully written Results sections for all three experiments, emailed to us by the first author (Gino). Neither of us had access to the raw data that the first author used to generate these write-ups.