Living #36 | Many Co-Authors
Paper #36

Tian, AD; Schroeder, J; Haubl, G; Risen, JL; Norton, MI; Gino, F (2018) 'Enacting Rituals To Improve Self-control' , Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology  

This page contains a summary table for data provenance for all studies in this paper. In addition, authors can share with readers information on why they decided to retract or not retract, plans and/or results for replication efforts, reflections on the process, or anything at all they feel is relevant. They may revise the information provided as often as desired, and each author is free to present a message of their own, though authors are encouraged to speak in one voice.

Aggregate responses

Gino involved in data collection?
Co-authors have/had raw data?
Data for reproducing results available?
Study 1 No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)
Study 2 No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)
Study 3a No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)
Study 3b No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)
Study 4 No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)
Study 5 No (3)
N/A (3)
N/A (3)

Individual Responses

Gerald Haubl
This author did not provide information about this paper.

Michael Norton
Gino involved in data collection? Co-authors have/had raw data? Data for reproducing results available?
Study 1No----
Study 2No----
Study 3aNo----
Study 3bNo----
Study 4No----
Study 5No----

Jane Risen
Gino involved in data collection? Co-authors have/had raw data? Data for reproducing results available?
Study 1No----
Study 2No----
Study 3aNo----
Study 3bNo----
Study 4No----
Study 5No----

Juliana Schroeder
Gino involved in data collection? Co-authors have/had raw data? Data for reproducing results available?
Study 1No----
Study 2No----
Study 3aNo----
Study 3bNo----
Study 4No----
Study 5No----

Allen Tian
This author did not provide information about this paper.

Below is a message written by author(s) of this paper. Keep in mind it may be modified at any time.
Written by: Juliana Schroeder
Last update: 2024-05-09

We conducted an internal audit of this paper, which can be found here:

- Francesca Gino was not involved in collecting or analyzing the data for any of the studies in the paper.

- The raw data and materials were found for all studies.

- During the audit, an issue was discovered in Experiment 1: some participants' self-reported behaviors (in the survey manipulation check) did not match their analyzed assignment to experimental condition. 

We have reported the issue discovered in Experiment 1 to the JPSP editor and are discussing next steps for correcting the scientific record. 

We believe that the fundamental insights from the paper are still robust, especially as we have now directly and conceptually replicated several of its key findings (including successful direct replications of Experiments 3a and 4 in the paper). Other independent scholars have also conceptually and directly replicated the findings (e.g., Yun et al., 2023; Fan et al., 2023).

This statement has been read and approved by the following authors: Allen (Ding) Tian, Juliana Schroeder, Gerald Haubl, Jane Risen, and Michael Norton. 


UPDATE on 5/9/24: JPSP editors determined that this paper should go through a "retraction and resubmission" process. The retraction notice is here: For a deeper discussion of the Study 1 issue, see the audit appendix (here: The archive of the OSF page for the original paper is here: 

The JPSP resubmission, which removed Study 1 but did not update the theorizing or include any new data per our understanding of the process, was rejected. 

The updated paper has been posted on SSRN: The updated OSF file is here: Several additional studies have now been run; these are summarized in the updated OSF.