Living #87 | Many Co-Authors
Paper #87

Gino, F; Krupka, EL; Weber, RA (2013) 'License To Cheat: Voluntary Regulation And Ethical Behavior' , Management Science  

This page contains a summary table for data provenance for all studies in this paper. In addition, authors can share with readers information on why they decided to retract or not retract, plans and/or results for replication efforts, reflections on the process, or anything at all they feel is relevant. They may revise the information provided as often as desired, and each author is free to present a message of their own, though authors are encouraged to speak in one voice.

Aggregate responses

Gino involved in data collection?
Co-authors have/had raw data?
Data for reproducing results available?
Pilot and data (CMU collection site) Yes (1)
Yes (1)
Only authors (1)
Additional treatments (UofM collection site) No (1)
N/A (1)
N/A (1)

Individual Responses

Erin Krupka
Gino involved in data collection? Co-authors have/had raw data? Data for reproducing results available?
Pilot and data (CMU collection site)YesYes, and still doYes, but not posted
Additional treatments (UofM collection site)No----

Roberto Weber
This author did not provide information about this paper.

Below is a message written by author(s) of this paper. Keep in mind it may be modified at any time.
Written by: Erin Krupka
Last update: 2023-10-26
The co-authors are not planning to retract this article because we are confident that, should there have been any desire to do so, there was no opportunity to manipulate data on this project.  This is because of the following reasons:
1) Krupka was present in all sessions of data collection at CMU. Weber was present at approximately half the sessions at CMU. Thus, the co-authors always worked in pairs (at that time, this was due to it being a paper-pencil experiment and we wanted things to run eficiently). Thus, no co-author collected data alone.
2) The choice data consisted either of choices that subjects indicated privately on a physical sheet of paper they submitted to the experimenter (which we collected and used to determine outcomes for paired participants) or choices that they indicated publicly by raising a colored card (which was recorded by Krupka).
3) The recorded data and outcomes were entered into digital format by Krupka. 
4) The analysis was performed by Krupka and Weber using Stata. Krupka and Weber do not recall that Gino performed analysis of the data in this paper (though Gino was an active participant in the weekly team meetings providing guidance and commentary).